WindDirectionalSource not affecting Speedtree content during Matinee "Movie"

It seems like I have stumbled upon an issue that I can’t resolve on my own.

I have set up a scene with Speedtree trees and bushes as well as a WindDirectionalSource actor. Speedtree content was placed on a landscape actor using Landscape Foliage painting.

Speedtree content is not affected by the WindDirectionSource only as soon as I start recording via Matinee “Movie” button. In any other scenario everything seems to be working correctly.

What could be causing this issue?

I also have this issue with 4.13

Since there are no answers to this question and some people have also been having the same problem - I’ll just contribute to this by quoting what koola said in unreal engine forum regarding this issue. “You need to wait like 20s before the wind is fully active.”. I’m not sure whether this has been fixed in recent versions nor have I tested this myself though. So essentially you need to give the matinee shots with speedtree animations a 20 second head start and cut out the beginning in editing.

Hope it helps!