Do I need the source code to make a game mostly with C++?

Hi Guys,
This question is building off of someone else’s question, which was posted here:

My questions is a bit more specific. The plan is to make a game using the UE4 engine, but I want to program specific chunks of the game in C++ myself, for example, I would like to make my own character controller, camera controller, and other sections of the game in C++ myself.
Do I need the compiled version of the engine from github in order to do this? or can I just use the already built version of the UE4 engine to do this? Is the source code only needed if I want to actually edit the engine itself?
Like Bajee said in the post I linked above, it seems most examples of people using c++ is with the github, self-compiled version of the engine.


No, all you need is header files which is included with prebuild version of engine. But, with source code you can easilly view definitions of engine functions in VS and also generate pdb files to engine dlls which is useful in debuging

Ah I see, so I don’t need the source code, but using it has some very useful advantages. hmmm, I wonder if I should just use the non-source code version for programming and have the source code version on hand for peeking inside the libraries. It seems like such a hassle to keep compiling the main source code if I’m not editing it, especially if I have other working on this project with me that are just doing things like level design and other “in-editor” tasks. They can’t edit the same project if I’m using the source code version, correct?

They can as long as they use same version of the engine (like 4.1), the same APIs thats whats most importent. Also you only need to compile engine once per update it will show up to date and continue with your project compilation , do that when you compile your project, or else you will end up compiling twice.