Make FLinearColor constants in C++ and access them in Blueprint

I need to define constants of FLinearColor that can be access in Blueprints.

I’ve tried with USTRUCT() but I cannot mark UPROPERTY as static.
I’ve tried with namespace, but they are not visible in blueprints.

Anyone has a solution to make constants accessible in blueprints ?

Txs for your help,

The only way I found to do this is with UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly) and value initialized in native CTor. This means it’s not really a constant, but those using blueprints have a safety net.

In fact what I did is making an helper class with static functions.

 * Helper class for constants
 * @remark	When there will be a way to expose constants in Blueprint
 * 			this class will be useless
class KSGM_API UKConstantHelper : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
	 * @brief Helper function to get the Helium color (Orange).
	 * @return    The Helium FLinearColor. 
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Helper|Colors")
	static FLinearColor& GetHeliumColor();

	* @brief Helper function to get the Neon color (Yellow).
	* @return    The Neon FLinearColor.
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Helper|Colors")
	static FLinearColor& GetNeonColor();

It is not perfect since I had preferred to have just a constant.

Txs again.