How to get a stable force on your character?

Hi all!

I’m trying to do a game like Flappy Bird, Tappy Chicken, etc. So, my character has a stable X-axis movement input.(with Event Tick). The char should fall if I don’t push a key; if I push a key, it should get a force to go up, and start to fall again smoothly.

Now, I have issues with gravity. What I mean is; gravity pulls my character down so strong, it falls fast. If i play with my gravity values (on world settings or on character) then jumping seems so weird (falling part too). Also, I can’t jump twice while I’m flying. Then, I decided to “Add Force” to Set my “Character Movement” and changed my world gravity 0.7 from 2. And If I push a key periodically when I’m on air, my flying seems a little smoother than before.However, I’ve encountered with 2 main issues with it:

  1. My force changes according to how hard I push to key (or how hard I touch the screen)

  2. When I push two or three times, velocity flies like a rocket in the sky (but i need a stable force or velocity, like in the bird games I’ve mentioned in the beginning)

I want a stable (with same value) force or jump to my character and a smooth fall. If you have easier methods to do that, I’m ready to hear those. (I checked Tappy Chicken example at Example Game Projects, but their method is a little complicated for me, because 1.I’m an amateur, and 2. That project is already completed and it makes sense to me when I check the blueprint as a whole. Also, I want to learn the logic.)

Thank you for your help!