When UseControllerRotationYaw is unchecked, character does not rotate with the actor it is standing on

When my character is standing on a moving static mesh, it does not rotate along with it unless UseControllerRotationYaw is true. When false, as is needed to introduce yaw lag when turning, the character faces the same direction regardless of the rotation of what it is standing on. This is even when I am not using custom functions to handle yaw, simply unchecking is enough to break the rotation following what it is standing on.

Hello BlackRang666,

Could I get some details about the setup? What kind of character are you using? Is it something akin to the First Person template or the Third Person template? What method are you using to move this static mesh “platform” that the character is standing on? What component are you setting this UseControllerRotationYaw setting on?

It seems that you’ve posted this question twice and have more information on the other post. So that we don’t split up information, I’ll be closing this post and referring to the other post to help you further.

Other post: My character does not rotate along with what it is standing on when UseControllerRotationYaw is unchecked. Why? - Character & Animation - Epic Developer Community Forums