How to make grass move on character input

Hey, I am very confused. I wish to make grass move within a UE4 level, I know how to make Grass move with wind and similarly with animations. However for the life of me I cannot find anything anywhere on how to make the grass move when a character walks over it.

I don’t really understand blueprinting systems so posting a singular picture of a blueprint system will not help me in any way unless a step by step instruction is given. Sorry to be so complicated but I really only know how to model and texture assets, I’m not an Engine kinda guy, however this would be really helpful to me.

TLDR: how make grass move when characters walk on it, simple picture wont help, video/instructions needed. TY

A video tutorial would be an absolute godsend! :smiley:

This might help you. I used it to create the effect described.

Best of luck.