Error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl ULevel::ULevel(class FObjectInitializer const &)"

Hi All :slight_smile: I Wanna add Level Class. In UEditor->Add c++ Class->Show All Classes->Level. After adding MyLevel.h and MyLevel.cpp. Can`t build "error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol “public: __cdecl ULevel::ULevel(class FObjectInitializer const &)” " If i understand correct, problem in MyGame.Build.cs i must add module, but which ?

Hey Anatoliy-

The Level class is marked as Minimal_API meaning that access to the class is limited. if you open the Level.h file you can find the parts of the class that are exposed by searching for any functions/variables that are explicitly marked as Engine_API. If you need access to the entire class and are using the engine built from source you can change Minimal_API to Engine_API in the UCLASS macro, however depending on what you are trying to accomplish it may be best to find another method.


Hi . I wanna try create level with interactive Spawning in world.

  1. Player Connect to Server
  2. Server look in DB about him find his owning level.
  3. Server send Player to another server where loaded map with some object lights and e.t.c.
  4. Player can change this level and after his get out (Player), server save level in DB.
  5. Repeat from 1.

In ideally player must can load 3d models textures in level. Then in level he can change position, materials and e. t. c. and all that saved in DB in server.