How do I distort a player's camera/screen?

Hi everyone,

Yesterday, I made a thread ([view here][1]) in the forums regarding this issue. Unfortunately, it appears that no-one knows the answer, or alternatively, the answer is so obvious that it doesn’t warrant being pointed out. Regardless, I still can’t get this Blueprint to work as intended (I have since changed “Get Player Controller” to “Get Player Pawn” to ensure the distance between A and B is calculated correctly). The Blueprint itself seems to execute/flow correctly, as confirmed by printing strings, so it appears that the problem is isolated to the “CameraShake” function. Does anyone know what the problem could be? Alternatively, is there another way to distort the camera/screen of the player?

It turns out the answer was quite obvious… whoops! I was using the default “CameraShake” instead of a created “CameraShake” Blueprint.