Sculpting tool colours my building but doesn't sculpt terrain? [v4.10.3]

version 4.10.3

I’m really not sure what’s going on, but when I try to use the landscape tool, I keep everything to default, so I get the massive green grid. When i hit create, it loads, and then there’s nothing, my tiles are still white grid, whereas all the videos and documents i see, it should have turned grey. I selected sculpt tool and i held cntrl+LMB and nothing happens to the terrain, my building just turns from one colour to another colour, well, almost like there’s a shadow being casted over it but, by nothing present? like an invisible mountain? lol

the Orange Box you see highlighted in the pictures, it is a LightMassImportanceVolume box, I have tried deleting that and sculpting, same result.

This is really weird and I can’t seem to find anyone else having the same issue.

any ideas?


p.s i know there’s a wall sticking through my other wall lol i figured since it won’t be seen that i could jus leave it like that.

Update So I figured out that the issue is specifically with this project file. When I open a new project, blank, i can sculpt, no issues. I duno what to do.

LOL okay uhm not sure if i should answer this or delete it i feel extremely noob for this , but just incase i’ll leave it here until staff/mods decides its not necessary. If you are having the same problem I am, the likelyhood is that you’re really new to Unreal 4.10 or just UE4 itself…Also the colour overlay on my building was just shadows casting from tall mountains that i didn’t know where there because Landscape was turned off.

when using the Landscape tool make sure you click on the SHOW next to the Perspective button and then click on Landscape and thats it, you can start sculpting your masterpiece