Ensure last point of SplineX aims directly at first point of SplineY

I have a bunch of splines in a level, and I need to make sure that the last point on the spline aims in a direction that perfectly matches the direction of the first point on the next spline.

Basically, if I move something along a spline when it reaches the end it should continue in that direction until it hits the next spline and then move along that one without any deviation, I have the code for all of this except for making the splines line up perfectly.

Perhaps some sort of editor function?

I need this to happen in the editor rather than only when the game is running.

You should be able to set the tangent of the last spline point of the first spline to be equal to the tangent of the first spline point of the second spline. That should do what you want, though I’m not sure the rest of the spline will continue to look good.

Thanks, was able to do it using what you said + Blutilities to have the function run in the editor.