Why ASomeactor::Beginplay() calls Super::BeginPlay()?

Is Super class is the UObject class? Can someone explain me this mechanism? I totally dont understand this…
I know that this is required to run some blueprint but what stands behind it all. IS Super word is reserved?

This is just Unreal’s way of calling the same function of the base class. The base class usually performs some sort of initialization that child classes require.

In normal C++ code you’d write BaseClass::BeginPlay();

In UE4 Super is auto generated and is just a typedef that acts as an alias to the parent class. Other languages have it built in as a keyword.

Based on your confusion, I highly recommend you read up on object orientated programming.

To add what Bino said

At AActor class BeginPlay() only calls blueprint BeginPlay event, so if you miss it you will break that blueprint event, but actor should work anyway (main actor initiation code is in other more impotent events). In higher classes you might break more things so you should always call Super::BeginPlay() anyway, for safety you should call parent function on every function you override.

In C++ in normaly you would need to type parent class name insted of “Super” (and you can still do that, that is even better way to access deeper parents), Super let you automatically target class parent