How could I trigger print string function in every frame?

Hello everyone! Basically I want use blueprint script to print a string to screen on each frame of an animation sequence. Now I am using Event BeginPlay as the trigger for print string function. The string only occurred once when I start to play the game. However, I want to print the string from every frame of the animation sequence because the printed info needs to be updated at each frame. Is it any possible way to get this done? Is there any trigger, something like ‘New Animation frame start’? Any suggestion are welcome! thank you so much!

Tick function will update each frame

Hi man , i think there is no simple way to get the animation “frames”.
You should take a variable to store the time passed out from the tick event , and once it reach 1/30 of second , you can call the print function.

Hi Wow_CZ,

In your AnimBlueprint you can use

Update Animation Blueprint Event or Post Evaluate Animation Event depending on your needs

Best regards