[C++]: Deprecation Warning: FActorSpawnParameters: Initialization

Hello, when I declare and initialize FActorSpawnParameters like so

FActorSpawnParameters SpawnParameters = FActorSpawnParameters();

I get a deprication warning because the constructor sets deprecated variables

If I declare but do not initialize FActorSpawnParameters like so:

FActorSpawnParameters SpawnParameters;

I don’t get any warnings.

I’ve read that it’s best practice to initialize your variables your variables when you declare them. What’s going on here? How should i go about initializing the variable on declaration? In short, what are your thoughts on all this?

================================== additional code =================================

/* Struct of optional parameters passed to SpawnActor function(s). */
struct ENGINE_API FActorSpawnParameters
		:	Name(NAME_None)
		,	Template(NULL)
		,	Owner(NULL)
		,	Instigator(NULL)
		,	OverrideLevel(NULL)
		,	SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride(ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::Undefined)
		,	bNoCollisionFail(false)
		,	bRemoteOwned(false)
		,	bNoFail(false)
		,	bDeferConstruction(false)		
		,	bAllowDuringConstructionScript(false)
		,	ObjectFlags(RF_Transactional)

/* Determines whether a collision test will be performed when spawning the Actor. If true, no collision test will be performed when spawning the Actor regardless of the collision settings of the root component or template Actor. */
	DEPRECATED(4.9, "bNoCollisionFail is deprecated. Use SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride to override the actor class's spawn collision handling setting.")
	uint16	bNoCollisionFail:1;

edit: spelling, spacing