How to get actor reference from outside level blueprint

So… I have a Target Point actor for location reference and I want SPAWNED actors to move there. The problem is I cannot set the “goal” location to the Target Point actor and I don’t want to resort to manually entering location coordinates.

The trigger/condition:

The behavior tree:

The controller:


And the basic task blueprint:
NOTE: This is from the UE tutorial but the tutorial makes the spawned actor go in a random location within a radius. I want to do the same thing but instead, make the spawned actor go to a Targetpoint actor. This is where I cannot get a reference for the targetpoint actor because this isn’t the level blueprint

Also, when a certain actor is not present on the level from the start, how do you get a reference to that particular actor later (let’s say you will spawn this actor later in the game)?


Reread and revised, page timed out during my original revision. D:

Since i’m not sure where you’re spawning your targetpoints in bp, I’m under the assumption you’re using GameInstance to spawn the targetpoints. You’ll first need to save them off as a variable. I’ve included an example image of referencing from GI as well.

In the gameinstance:

In the blueprint you want to reference inside:

Thanks for the help but I’m still having trouble returning the value of the Targetpoint’s location onto the destination. I did create a new public variable like the one you showed on the picture but after that, no idea how to retrieve its contents (specifically the location coordinates).

I updated my solution because I re-read a moment ago, just clarifying that you’re up to date on seeing my revision. It may be a solution, but once again it depends on where you’re spawning your target points from.

Hmm, I have a Target Point on the map and a trigger to spawn a character (first picture above). All I want to do it get the Target Point’s location coordinates so I can return those values, but I can’t do that because I can’t get a reference for the Target Point.

If you look on my 4th pic, you can see that I am casting a random location to the destination. I just want to replace that with the Target Point’s location. Hope I didn’t confuse anything.

For example:

Here you can see the error because I have no target.

Oh, I may have been confused. For clarification: you’re using a pre-placed target point in the map and dynamically spawned character? or are you using dynamically spawned target points as well as in: goes to target point>spawns new target point> goes to target point>etc… ?

if you’re using dynamically spawned characters and a pre placed target point you could use a getallactorsofclass to get the pre placed target point reference, where class is your target point class. This will return an array and if you’ve only got one target point to worry about you can just get 0 and use that as reference:

Yes, I am using a preplaced target point in the map and dynamically spawning a character. I followed your last instructions but now I am getting an error on the Get node.

Also, I need to create a Blueprint for the targetpoint before I can select it on the “Get all actors of class” node. I am not sure if that’s the problem, but unless I create a BP for it, it’s not on the list.


It’s finally working, I had to pin the GetActors node from Execute node like this:

Thank you kind sir! I owe you a cup of coffee/beer.