Why is Physics constrain's force scaled by its parent's mass?

the linear constrain is set to locked.

the parent’s mass set to 0.1kg

the rope can’t support the character’s weight, physics is a mess.

set the parent’s weight to 5kg.

the rope works but very heavy now.

Is there a way to just make the constrain unbreakable? No matter the parent’s mass?

i have the same problem, if you find a solution can you comment here?

Unfortunately I stopped looking for the solution a long time ago, My suggestion is you might have to write your own physics calculation for this one. since the integrated physics solver is more for cosmetics than game play. I am still curious about how to solve this one. Please let me know if you have found a solution or if you are interested, you can email me and we probably will be able to figure out a solution together. :slight_smile: