Is the pawn or character in steam vr vive

I read the document about steam vr. the tutorial tell me to create a pawn .
so is that means it recommend use pawn instead of character in steam vr?

Good question, saw the same.
I absolutely don’t know what I’m doing, but as far as I know a Pawn has way less features than a Character.
So a Character BP should be the way to go.

Just wondering if there are some technical issues using a Char instead of a Pawn.

The Character class automatically adds a collision capsule component to the pawn, along with lots of other stuff to support movement. What I’m finding right now is that the collision capsule causes the Vive’s ground position to be offset vertically so your controlled character floats above the ground. Setting the collision capsule’s halfheight to a small value, and setting your character’s BaseEyeHeight to 0 can fix this, but then other actors easily interpenetrate your space. I’m working on figuring out a good way to build an actor based on the Character class for room-scale VR - will update once I’ve got something figured out.

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