Why every entities are deleted when falling out of the walls in the included templates?


Some months ago i tried to learn UE4, but i had too much work aside and i put my UE4 formation in stand by :frowning: Now i can work on it again =D I have my first beginner question which is pretty trivial i think.

While i tried to understand the mechanics of the fps template, i noticed that when i fall out of the walls, the character is quickly deleted. Also, when i shoot some balls, they are deleted as well.

I searched and i couldn’t find an answer about what cause this behavior, i first though it was a Kill Z, but i couldn’t find it in the map. Can you explain me why almost every actor that fall though the map are deleted so quickly ?

Thank you :slight_smile:

It’s KillZ :slight_smile: In your world properties there’s a KillZ property that determines when to kill an actor.

Thank you! I’ll take a look at the world properties when i’ll be back home :slight_smile:

Have fun! :smiley: