Constructor Overload to make 3D Box from FVector Center and float Size

Dear Friends at Epic,

I wrote this function and think it would be a fun addition to your FBox.h library :slight_smile:

It would make for a great constructor overload :slight_smile:

//Box from World Space Center and Size
FORCEINLINE FBox BoxFromPointWithSize(const FVector& InCenter, const float& Size)
	return FBox(
		InCenter+(FVector(1,1,1) * -Size/2),
		InCenter+(FVector(1,1,1) * Size/2)


Simple additional constructor to make a 3D box from a single point the box is centered around, and the desired size of the box :slight_smile:

#Pic of my Vertex Snap Editor Plugin

I used the above function for one of the drawing modes of verticies in my [Vertex Snap Editor Mode Plugin][1] :slight_smile:



Hi Rama,
An exploratory remark, this kind of reminds me of voxel technology.

hee hee!

Actually InstancedStaticMeshComponents are really good for voxel-like stuff

I got upwards of 4000 3d cubes on screen without much slowdown of any kind!



Hi Rama,

It’s not exactly the same, but check out

static FBox BuildAABB( const FVector& Origin, const FVector& Extent )

in Box.h. Same base concept, but allows for non-square boxes.



ahhh I did not see that one !

I was hoping for a constructor that took in a point and a size/extent

FBox NewBox(Origin - Extent, Origin + Extent);

“BuildAABB” is not as intuitive for me as FBox(Center,Extent)

It’s a minor point but I consider it my rocket-tester-duty to report what I consider to be greater convenience usage of base classes :slight_smile:

just turning BuildAABB() into a overloaded constructor would be more than sufficient :slight_smile:

Thanks Jeff!


That’s a good suggestion, but unfortunately we already have a constructor matching that signature that takes the corners.

FBox( const FVector& InMin, const FVector& InMax )

So we can’t add a Center/Extent overload. That said, your

FBox NewBox(Origin - Extent, Origin + Extent);

syntax looks like a pretty clean approach to me.


“we already have a constructor matching that signature that takes the corners.”

ahh that’s a good point,

well this then is my last comment hee hee,

THIS constructor signature is not taken, the one I originally posted, hee hee!

FBox( const FVector& Center, const float& Size )

Yes it limits you to a cube but that was the basis of my original post anyways, fast way to make squares/cubes :slight_smile:

Nice to hear from you Jeff!
