How can I display text once a player has completed their current objective on the HUD with Blueprints?


I’ve been trying to call a function on my HUD blueprint from one of my actor blueprints. I’ve tried to use the “Get Game Mode” node and then use the “Get HUDClass” node to get a reference to the HUD blueprint but it doesn’t show my functions when I do this (I did make sure the functions are public). What I want to achieve is display some text in the center of the screen once the player has completed their current objective, I know how to handle that but I don’t know how to properly get a reference to the HUD blueprint.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hey Spiderhund,

When you need to reference your HUD blueprint, you should use Get Player Controller to call Get HUD. From that, you should drag off the Get HUD’s Return Value and search for Cast To YourHUDClass. From the Cast To node, you can drag off the As YourHUDClass pin and search for your custom functions.

Here’s a screenshot example of that setup:

Hope this helps out!

Thank you!

Seems I’ve been looking in the wrong place this whole time :stuck_out_tongue: