Why are the 'Engine' and 'Games' folder not present in Visual Studio?

I am having a little issue with the Visual Studio Express not detecting the ‘Engine’ and ‘Games’ folder for UE4 when I try the introduction programming tutorial. On [this page][1] you can see that the image displays the Basic Class solution as well as the ‘Engine’ and ‘Games’ folders. However, mine only displays the contents of the ‘Games’ folder, seen in this image:

I assume I did something incorrectly while setting up Visual Studio to work with UE4. Could someone help me with this?

We intentionally try to keep the solution as lightweight as possible so that it loads quickly and doesn’t overburden new programmers with a lot of engine modules and program source code that they shouldn’t really need to be modifying. This is one of the current differences between the installed version of the engine and the GitHub version. We may end up changing this so that it behaves as you expected (Engine code is always included), but it is still an active area of discussion. In the meantime, if you run the project file generator manually with the ‘-Engine’ parameter ("UnrealBuildTool.exe -ProjectFiles -Rocket -Engine "), you should see the folders that were missing.


I have a Unreal Engine from GIT Hub and when i creating project in Visual Studio have a three folders Engine, Games and Programs - this is really slow. How can i exclude this folders from Visual Studio?

It’s not the extra programs that are making it slow, it’s that the whole engine source code is in the solution which is a very large number of files. The reason it works this way is because programmers who have the full source code often find it useful to drill down into the engine code and auxiliary programs to debug issues or to learn about how things work.

If you only want your game’s source files in the solution, you can do that by creating a shortcut that looks like this:

C:\UE4\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\GenerateProjectFiles.bat C:\MyProject\MyProject.uproject -Game

(Replace “C:\UE4” with the path to your engine from GitHub, and replace “C:\MyProject\MyProject.uproject” with the path to your game’s .uproject file)

Hope that helps!


Thank you, but this is command print error about ‘Source’ folder…
How can I change an existing project?