Events in Sequencer picked up by persistent level, not it's current level

I tried using the sequencer in UE 4.11 preview 5.
First of all: Good job! I realy like it.
But then I started working on events and ran into a problem.

I’m using streaming levels. This means that I have a persistent level and an Event level.
The Event level is set to always load.

I created a sequencer and added it in the Event level. The sequencer has 1 single event.
From forum posts I learned that the event name corresponds with a custom event name in the level blueprint.
So I created a custom event in the sub-level blueprint (Event level blueprint, where the sequencer actor is placed).

I would expect that the sub-level blueprint from my Event level would receive the event trigger from the sequencer, but it fails to do so.
Then I created the same custom event in the persistent level, and this did work.
However, this seems very unlogical for me. The sequencer actor is placed in a different level than the corresponding level blueprint.
I tried the same thing with the old matinee and that seems to work as expected. Events from the matinee can be picked up in the sub-level they are placed in.

Is this expected behaviour or still a work in progress? I would love to see this changed so that I could use the events from the sequencer usefully for my project.

Thanks in advance,

Ron Kamphuis

Hi Perfect_Storm,

It’s been a little busy lately, but I wanted to let you know that I’ll be testing this for you soon. Thank you for your patience.


Hey Perfect_Storm,

is currently out of the office at the moment and I will be assisting you with this issue. With that out of the way, would you mind clarifying your issue a bit and providing me with some screenshots as context?

From my understanding, you have created two levels which are always streamed. In your event level you have created the custom event to trigger sequencer, but the event does not work unless it is placed in the persistent level?

Thank you,

Hello Andrew,

Thank you for taking the time to help me out.
I have 2 levels: one persistent level and a streaming level.
I added a sequencer actor in the streaming level.

Within the sequencer I added an event track.
This track contains a keyframe where the key is called Event01.
According to the documentation this event will be picked up by the level blueprint.

Because I added the sequencer actor in the streaming level I would expect the streaming level blueprint to listen to the trigger.
But unfortunately, only the persistent level listens to events from sequencers.
So if I add a custom event called Event01 in the streaming level blueprint it will not work.
I have to add a custom event called Event01 in the persistent level to make it work.
But this makes no sence because the streaming level is a completely different level then the persistent level.

Ill add a small schematic drawing later if this is still not making it clear.

Thanks in advance,

Ron Kamphuis


Hey PerfectStorm,

I am in the process of testing this issue, but I am also still learning Sequencer at this moment. Instead of making sure I am taking the correct steps and match your own set up, would you mind providing me with a simple project where this issue appears.

All you need to do is create a blank project, establish the set up you mentioned above, then use the ‘Zip up Project’ option in the File>Package Project menu. Then just upload it to an external file sharing host like Google Drive and share the link with me in your response.

Let me know if you have further questions.

Thank you,

Hello Andrew,

The project has been attached to this comment.
I created 2 maps. One Persistent level and one streaming level.
If you open the persistent level, you can see that it has the other level set as always loaded streaming level.

Both levels have some logic in the level blueprints. They both have a custom event that matches the event from the sequencer.
The sequencer itself is placed in the streaming level.

You would expect that the streaming level blueprint will listen to the sequencer, because they share the same level.
Instead, the persistent level listens to the sequencer. This is odd, because they are not placed in the same level.

You definately notice this when you open the streaming level as a standalone map. If you then press play, or simulate, you will see a different message then when you open the persistent level.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Thanks in advance,

Ron Kamphuis


Hi Perfect_Storm,

I’m back! And I was able to reproduce the issue and have entered UE-28843. Thanks for reporting this and feel free to request updates on this bug.
