Accessing Editor-Only Variable in Packaged Game

Hey Everybody,

I’ve been working on packaging my game and when I play, I get this error:

[2016.02.25-19.37.26:474][ 88]LogScript:Warning: Attempt to access missing property. If this is a packaged/cooked build, are you attempting to use an editor-only property?

 88]LogScript:Warning: Accessed None

The thing of it is, the CharacterSelectionCharacter is the character for the GameMode for a character selection. I’m a bit puzzled as to how to track this down?

Any tips?

Function you trying to access is not editor only, besides there is no editor only stuff exposed by default, something wrong with packaged stuff, problem is ExecuteUbergraph

Other possible reasons is that for some reason you got 2 diffrent asset versions, which one dont have property that you trying to access. Try clean up your project (delete Intermidiate?) and repackage again, check if everything is ok ExecuteUbergraph. If this still this happening try to rebuild or even redesign part of blueprint related to that function

Tee hee! Deleting Intermediate and repackaging worked! Thanks!

Just an update - it did work, but only temporarily. Looks like I have to re-create or redesign the blueprint…

Final update - this was the problem:

Not sure why it fixed it the first go-round though… weird…