Forward vector value gets offset when nesting a blueprint

i posted this earlier as a question not seeing the bug section at first, and i ve nailed down the exact issue now i believe

I ve got a basic third person movement controller, get values for the forward and right vectors → add movement input

If I add a child actor to the character mesh and select a socket for it, and have a static mesh defined in the selected blue print for that child actor (in my case a weapon mesh inside an actor blueprint), the forward and right vector values essentially get swapped or rotated 90 degrees. So pressing forward will move the char left and vice versa.

I ve discovered if i use a skeletal mesh component instead in the child actor everything seems okay


Could you please provide a screenshot of your blueprint setup? I have tried to reproduce your issue, but I haven’t seen the same behavior, so I’d like to see how you are setting it up. Thank you

Thank you for the screenshots. I still have not been able to get this to reproduce. Could you provide the gun mesh that you are using? I’d like to see if this issue is specific to that asset.

I tried the same thing on my end. I’ll give it another shot. Did you make any changes to the collision of the cube or the character?

I repoduced using the third person example, hope these shots make it clear

i just reproduced it on a clean 3rd person example connecting a blueprint with a cube to his hand

its a bit overkill, but i uploaded the project for ya to see File Dropper - Online file sharing

Didnt make any changes, just dragged and dropped the cube in, I did scale the child blue print down once connected so it didnt dwarf the character

Thank you for providing the project. I’ll go ahead and perform some tests, and get back to you as soon as I have more information.

Yeah after looking into it a bit more, I came to the same conclusion. It seems to be a strange reaction with the character’s capsule and the collision of the mesh.

I had a colleauge reproduce the same thing, but he found that if he turned off collision on the cube and it worked, (collision preset, no collision)

Yeah, there are definitely some interesting results when two collisions overlap like that. I’m glad you were able to figure out the issue.

collision volumes dont play nice if ones inside the other, kinda what a collision volume is supposed to do, well , sorta :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for helping get to the bottom of this