Missing start content pack?

So I’ve just downloaded UE4 Engine 4.10.4 and under options I have the following installed;

  • Core Components
  • Starter Content
  • Editor symbols for debugging

When I go to create an project with the “Starter Content Pack” (using BP as I have yet to reinstall C++) it gives an error saying “Missing starter content pack” while creating it.

Currently downloading all the Templates and Samples to see if that resolves it, however I don’t think that this should be the case for such an error since I do have the Starter Content download and view-able at “C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.10\Samples\StarterContent” along with all the .uassets visible.

Edit; Installed the “Templates and Feature Packs” and no longer gives an error, weird as I didn’t think you’d need both.

Hi S0T0,

In response to your Edit:

Feature Packs are treated like pointers that contain information on what content from under Templates to use for each specific case. This system works to reduce the redundant content shared between all the templates. In short, as you have discovered, you will need both folders in order to create a new project from a template.
