Unable to store location vector as variable

I’m attempting to retrieve the location of a Pawn actor (vector), store that as a variable in the AI controller, inverse the X value, and store the new vector as a second variable for use in a Blackboard. As near as I can discern all my casts are working properly, but I have not yet seen the variables populate when the Pawn and associated AI controller spawn. Every time, the variables just stay locked up with zeroes all across. I’ve attached the relevant segment of the BP for the AI Controller in hopes I’m just missing something silly. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Been fighting this issue for some time now.

You say “as far as you can tell,” can you keep the blueprint open on a second monitor when playing and see if the flow is working correctly? Or put in some additional Print nodes to keep track of it’s progress? Knowing exactly where it stops would greatly help pinpoint the problem.

Try skipping the “set entry vector” node and plug your Transform right into your multiplier.

OK, so I tried adjusting my linking a little, but I’ll need that first vector for the Behavior Tree. I’ve attached the complete BP for the controller and the Service in the BT I’m trying to run off the values. I’ve only got the one Pawn in play and have print nodes on both the Pawn and controller, but no indication of cast failure yet. No second monitor, but I’ve run with breaks in all over and stepped through to no avail. Admittedly, I’m a bit of a noob at this, so forgive me if this is kind of stupid LOLalt textalt text

Just for kicks, added a break on the last node of the Service and a print on the cast in there, as well. Still, all seems clean, just no vectors for it to work off of.

As it turns out, my whole issue was back to a simple linking issue. Removed the reference call and linked straight to the cast—Bingo. (see controller 1 above)