Trying to spawn character at spawn point, spawns 2 at each point that I can't control

I’m trying to make a two player 2d co op game. This is my first try at two player so I’m having some issues. I have two target points in my level that I want the level to spawn the characters at and then have the players possess them. This is the blueprint I have for that (not pictured is just some blueprints to control the camera and a branch node, all from the even beginplay event)

However, when I run this it spawns two characters (im using the 2dsidescroller template characters to prototype), it creates two sprites, where one is slightly smaller than the other, neither is effected by gravity, and neither is controllable.

I’m at a loss for why it is doing this and I honestly don’t know where to go from here, as this seems like it should be a simple thing to do. Does anyone have any idea?