How to create a movement sytem like star fox 64

Im trying to create a star fox 64 like game and would like to know how i can create the ship movement like this:

I am using the flying template and am new to UE4 any help would be appreciated

A couple ways to do this, but here’s an example of one. create a new blueprint and add a camera component. then I create a couple variables: a reference to the flying pawn, a follow distance and a follow speed. when you create this blueprint, just drop it anywhere in the level. In begin play, I find the player, create a reference to it, and then set the players view to the camera in this blueprint. I also set the location of this blueprint actor to the location of the player.

On tick, I update the location and rotation of this camera based on the position of the flying pawn but using a vector interpolation. the speed at which vector interpolates is governed by the variable ‘followSpeed’ and the distance at which the camera follows is governed by the variable ‘followdistance’. The rotation update is handled by the rotation interpolation, however, only the yaw is needed.

clamping/limiting your movement in the environment can be handled a few ways as well, but the easiest for now would probably just be with you environment design and collision boundaries. a potentially better way to limit movement would probably be a condition check that compares current location to perpendicular central path location and allows/prevents input based on this value.

I’m trying to build something like this for use in a VR project, where any sudden change in direction/speed would cause motion sickness, so clamping overall movement with collides probably wouldn’t be a good option. Is there a way to do a soft constraint on the pitch and yaw so that it gently corrects back to aiming forward?

That video