FVector2D var in Config. What is the syntax in the ini file

I don’t know what is the syntax in the ini file for var type FVector2D.
For float, bool, int, no problem but no idea for FVector2D.

	* @brief The area offset used to display team players on the left. From the top-left border of the screen.
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Config, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = HelmetVision)
	FVector2D LeftTeamPlayersAreaOffset;
	* @brief The area offset used to display team players on the right. From top-right border of the screen.
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Config, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = HelmetVision)
	FVector2D RightTeamPlayersAreaOffset;
	* @brief The interval for refreshing the team players.
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Config, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = HelmetVision)
	float PlayersRefreshInterval;

In the ini

; options for the team player HUD

If someone has an idea, in advance txs.