RepNotify Variable Question


This is possibly an easy question to answer…,
I have a multiplayer game im creating, but I have stopped trying to figure out the best way to make this:

I have a repnotify variable HP, MP, SP (which I want the player, and other players to know about)
On the other hand, I added a new variable, “Strength” but I want it only the player (me) to know about it, since its useless to let others know my strength, I am the only one that will use it (when equipping items, for example). The thing is, if I dont set it to RepNotify, when Im receiving the info from the database, it just wont update on the client (I guess it updates the server, since the server is receiving it, but since its not RepNotify it wont notify the client of the Strength received)

I’m just wondering if theres a way to set this up manually. My guess is possibly a Custom Event with Run on Owner Client? Please correct me if I’m wrong or any other suggestions.
