How can I change decal fade screen size?

hello. I’m using 4.11.6

I made decal at brueprint


I want to change fade screen size of decal.

but there is no connection of SET FADE SCREEN SIZE.

there is only GET FADE SCREEN SIZE.

how can I change Fade Screen Size at blueprint??

if it impossible , can I fix this using c++?

thank you.

Hello, hmnyari.

You can’t edit “decal fade screen” in the blueprint.

You can:

  • set this parameter in editor( please look at the screen below)

  • change this parameter via C++. In this case you can derive from UDecalComponent (This class is declared in Components/DecalComponent.h ) and add a new function, which is visible for blueprint( [marked with UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category=“YourCategory”)][2])

It happens because FadeScreenSize is marked as UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = Decal).

Hope this can helps.

Thank you so mush NatalyaK.

I will try that :slight_smile: