How do detect projectile interactivity with the enviroment

Yes, you totally can!

If you used a trigger box you can set under the collision heading in the Details tab for the trigger box, if you go to collision presets, select custom collision preset you can see there is a checkbox for projectile (see included image)

There is also a youtube video here on level design that discusses trigger boxes in a little bit of detail and what you are looking for specifically:

[Sliding Door Blueprint][2]

I have a trigger volume that moves an lift down and then back up after a second. I noticed I can trigger this by spawning the lamp blueprint (which I modified for proper physics and lighting) to fall into it. However the projectiles coming from the gun included in the first person template doesn’t trigger it. Is there a way to make the “OnComponentBeginOverlap” event include projectiles if I wish it? I would also like to be able to control which triggers support it and which ones don’t.

The part I missed is you have to expand Collision Presets, or in my case “Collision Pres” and then you get something similar to that screenshot except since its blueprints, its probably going to appear on the left instead of the right.