Server button click triggers on client

I’ve got a simple UMG button that when clicked, opens a new level, from blueprints.

When running with 2 players, clicking the button on the client behaves as expected - it opens the new level on the client and nothing happens on the server.

But when I click the button on the server, it opens the new level on both the server and client, it should only open it on the server.

Am I missing something simple so that only the server picks up on the button click?

I tried running the multiplayer shootout example from it’s main menu map, and clicking the “play” button from the server causes theclient to black screen and transition away from it’s menu too.

Any help much appreciated.

Did you replicate your “open level”-Event?
If not: Create a custom event run on server → combine with “switch has authority”. On Authority call the “open level”-Event on multicast.