Basic Vehicle setup problem

I’m trying to import a custom vechile into UE4 (I made it in blender)

Everything seemed to be going fine, until I added the wheels into the VehicleMovement Component.

This first image is the Blueprint before adding the wheels.


The seconds image is the BluePrint after adding the 4th wheel. Doesn’t matter which one. It would seem there is something bellow the vehicle now (?)


It only happens once I’ve added all 4, before that the vehicle stays flat.

In the Physics Asset editor there doesn’t seem to be any problems as far as I can understand =(

Any ideas what is happening?

I could really use some help on this issue =(

this problem you have ? - YouTube

Seems to be the same issue. I still haven’t found a way to solve this.

Fun fact, when i was doing the basic vehicle tutorial on youtube made by UnrealEngine, i had the exact same problem with the setup and mesh they provide =(

Try this - YouTube

Thanks for the help. I was able to finally create a fully working vehicle last night. However the problem I was having was in none of the vehicle setup steps, but rather in Blender.

I was able to track down the problem to the vehicle scale in blender.
If I exported a vehicle that was, say, 2m long, at scale 1. It would be “lifted” from the ground for some reason, and I really don’t understand why.
However, If I made it 200m long (100 times bigger), then set the scale to 0.01, and export that. It would work perfectly fine in UE4.
I realized the fbx example used in the UE4 tutorial was set this way when opened in blender. Did the video do that as well? I didn’t realize it if it did.

I’m sure there is something wrong going on, Epic should acknowledge that a ton of people uses Blender and provide better official support for it. But hey, my car works as intended now =)

Also, just as the FBX example, i’m not using an armature, I just parented the wheels to the chasis. UE4 creates the bones for you, auto sets the origin of the chasis as root bone and then each wheel as a bone itself. Works fine.