How to make quantized movement (allow full steps only)

We’re making a side scroller and would like to make the character movement sort of quantized so that he could only move in full steps. Lets say when you press forward and release it quickly, it would still do a full step (not half or so).
e.g. if you’re walking or running and coming up to a ledge and release the “forward” button, it would stop exactly at the ledge or exactly one or two steps before the ledge (if you hold it for too long, it would fall of course :slight_smile: ).
Currently we’re just using the standard CharacterMovementComponent.
What do you think would be the best way to implement this?

I’d say by either clamping the movement input or by rounding it, depending on if you want to have half steps in other situations.

So you create your custom movement component and a custom move right/forward function and in it round any input or clamp any input to a minimum. You can also do an if statement that takes all inputs less than full step and only rounds/clamps those.