Compression settings of Normal maps disable SRGB

Normal maps with compression setting set to Normalmap, have their SRGB value disabled, resulting in black material renders of my terrain material.

Fix: Disable Normalmap compression setting, enable SRGB.

Hi unit23 -

Normal Maps are never meant to have Gamma correction applied to them, they are meant to be read as straight linear color; as such, it is by design that the normal map compression setting automatically removes the setting, sRGB, which causes the gamma correction.

If you look in your Landscape Material you will need to adjust the Texture Sample to read NormalMaps, you possibly have it set to Color which is incorrect for normal maps. It also may have to do with a setting via a Material Instance if the Compression is different from the Material to the assigned texture in the Material Instance, you will get rendering errors. If these does not correct your issue, please post screenshots of your Material Texture Sample, the Texture Editor for your Normal Map and the resulting error.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Wow, somehow i missed that completely. Thanks for pointing it out, Eric!