Blending textures in specific locations of a material

Noob question, which I have illustrated with a picture:

I have made a composite texture (blue) and I can extract the regions I want (green).
Is it possible to merge the selected images back together into a material, but in specific locations (as shown in red with the creation of a specific number from the 3 integers)?

If this functionality exists, perhaps someone could kindly point me in the direction of the nodes I would need for this?

I am inexperienced with textures/materials but will figure it our given time…

Thanks for thoughts.

If you just want them blended with each other, sample all of them and use Add node.

If you want to apply them individually in particular places you will probably need a combination of TextureCoordinate node (to get the position you currently render to) and If nodes (to filter what should be rendered).

Here’s a sample material that renders 3 stripes, changing color based on the coordinates

Thankyou for your response. So if I understand correctly, my three images (or numbers in the example) will be cleaved into thirds and I will get a third of each number if I follow your stripe example, which is not what I am after. Do I understand correctly?

Ideally, I want to scale my 3 images down and place them at precise locations/coordinates in the resultant material?

It was just to present the idea of how to approach it. Here’s a ready solution.

This is a demonstration so you know what is going on (I duplicated some nodes for readability)

Here’s the same functionality, only put into a MaterialFunction

Finally, put together

Thankyou for you this. It will take me a little while to run through this with my images and see how it works, but I appreciate the efforts.

Hello Dank, you might also want to look at this: UE4 - Advanced Mask Texture Optimisation Tutorial - YouTube
Its a way to mask parts of a texture, it might give you some additional insight on potential possibilities!

OK, thank you both for your help.
Luos, your instruction was helpful and in the end I was able to create mask (and mathematically modify the masks when objects were overlapping) to allow me to position non-merged overlapping images where I liked in the material.
I have another issue of getting from the an individual component in a texture object compilation identified via subUV_function (the first step mentioned in my original question) to this step, but if I can’t figure that out for myself I figure that is a different question. Thanks again.