How to get flat UVs on skeletal mesh character?


I would like to add a dissolving effect to my character and I was wondering if it’s possible to flatten the UVs of the character so that the texture will pan across its surface without following the curvature of the character model but instead be flat?

Sorry if this question might seem weird as I’m new to manipulating UVs in general.

Thank you!

Could you clarify just a little bit more. Perhaps with a picture describing what you want. You cannot edit uvs in unreal. You would need a third party software. Also they are simply coordinates to map textures and cannot be used to do exactly what you want. You could do something like an object that is instanced like a plane with a texture in the alpha channel. That is like a decal.

Yeah sure!

I’d be using Maya 2016 to edit the UVs and now that I think about it this question might have been better asked elsewhere because of this but regardless, here’s 2 examples of what I thought was a UV problem:

In this clip you can see that there’s some strange circles that appear at the character shoulders and head when he starts to dissolve.

Another example of what I’ve been trying to do is to warp the SceneColor of a material that is applied to a sphere in the direction sphere’s vertex normals so that I can get a. result such as this:

But instead what I’m getting is this:

The problem seemed to be related to UVs to me but I could be wrong, as I said I am new to working with custom UVs.

Thanks for the help!

Ohh I see, that would be a very cool effect combined with the dissolve. I don’t think you can solve that specifically using uvs of a model. That has to be a camera effect. I have not dug into that much. You would have to get the players position relative to the camera so the effect is displayed around him. Looks like in the example they replaced the cross hairs with that dark circle and warped the view around maybe using world position offsets in the material editor. I don’t know.