Mobile: Cache media after downloading once

I’m making a mobile game and I’d like to add movie content to the game regularly without having to patch the game and submit to Apple and Google every single time.

I know Media Player can handle streaming movies but streaming every single time is cost and bandwidth intensive to the user and developer.

Is it possible to permanently cache a media file after it’s been streamed once?

Thank you.

I’m trying to play DLC movie files as they download.

Any progress on this chunking system?

I’m hoping this making games moddable guide will help, but has anyone done this on a mobile title?

The Media Framework itself does not allow for caching streamed media as this is generally not a feature supported by the native audio/video player APIs that we built on top of, sorry.

What you could do instead is to download the media using your own code (either into memory or into a file), and then open it using the FArchive based overload of IMediaPlayer::Open