Custom Touch Events

I’m trying to implement Custom touch events with C++. Here is what I’m doing:
The header file:

void CustomTouchBegin(ETouchIndex::Type type, UPrimitiveComponent* TouchedComponent);
void CustomTouchBegin2(ETouchIndex::Type type);

and the implementation file:

//in the constructor of my actor Class:
BoardMesh->OnInputTouchBegin.AddDynamic(this, &AMyBoard::CustomTouchBegin);
OnInputTouchBegin.AddDynamic(this, &AMyBoard::CustomTouchBegin2);

//The two events:
void AMyBoard::CustomTouchBegin(ETouchIndex::Type type, UPrimitiveComponent* TouchedComponent) {
	GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 3.f, FColor::Blue, TEXT("Somebody touched me"));

void AMyBoard::CustomTouchBegin2(ETouchIndex::Type type) {

	GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 3.f, FColor::Red, TEXT("Somebody touched me"));

The CustomTouchBegin2 works fine, and the message appears whenever I touch any component of the AMyBoard class. However the CustomTouchBegin which is supposed to display a message whenever the BoardMesh, (static mesh) is touched is not working.

Besides the above implementation I derived a blueprint class using the AMyBoard as parent and added the PrintScreen node to the OnInputTouchBegin(BoardMesh) node within Blueprints. That also works.

How can I implement the touch events on specific components using C++?

To save other people time:
There is no error with the code above. The problem was the fact that I had created a blueprint class based on my AMyBoard C++ class and placed it in the scene BEFORE I implement the code for handling the touch events. When I placed the C++ class directly in the scene the code worked fine. The code worked also fine when I derived a new blueprint class, and right now I have 2 BP derived from the same C++ class which have different behavior when they should not.

Therefore the actual question for this issue is whether there is a way to force somehow an existing BP to adapt the changes made on its C++ parent class?