Instanced static mesh?

Looking all over the place but can not really find how to set up an instanced static mesh.
Can someone point me in the right direction?!

You have to create new Actor blueprint and add “Instanced Static Mesh” component to it, and select the mesh that you want to instance in this component.

Then, use “Add Instance” function of this component. If you know the setup of the instances in advance, you can do it in construction script, but you can also do it in runtime. In the following example, 100 instances of the mesh will be separated by 100 cm gaps, and its done in Construction script:

To later remove instances, use index numbers returned by “Add Instance” function.

I suppose than that we cant just place instanced meshes in a level directly like say a static mesh and start cloning it there and keep them as instanced ?

You don’t have to use the BP script show above to place the instances. You can add the instance in the Blueprint, then add instances manually using the Instances category you can add and move each one as needed.

Thanks for the information ! Is there any documentation for the instanced static meshes I could refer to ?

I have tried this, but the mesh’s don’t seem to show in the BP Viewport.

When I add a Add instance and make transform node they do appear however.

Have you found a way to drag in an instance of a mesh?

If you mean drag in a Instanced Static Mesh from the content browser. Then to my knowledge there is not a way to do this. When you drop the Static Mesh, behind the scenes the editor is creating a StaticMeshActor, which the static mesh is then attached to (along with a scene component etc.) As you are not starting with a ISM to begin with, the editor is just using the static mesh your dragging in.

Hope this helps.
