[UBT Error] about UKSkeleton and CurrentSkeleton->PreviewAttachedAssetContainer.Num()

Here have some file :





I use Lion’s KinectV2 plugin for 4.9 in his GitHub.
I remove the EditorModule and it build well.

But when I want to package this project,
It get some error like this:

MainFrameActions: package (Windows (64位)): UnrealBuildTool: C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Unreal Projects\KinectDemoRoom\Plugins\KinectV2\Source\KinectV2\Private\KinectAnimInstance.cpp(17) : error C2039: ��PreviewAttachedAssetContainer��: ���ǡ�USkeleton���ij�Ա
MainFrameActions: package (Windows (64位)): UnrealBuildTool: D:\UnrealEngine-4.9\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Animation/Skeleton.h(224) : �μ���USkeleton��������
MainFrameActions: package (Windows (64位)): UnrealBuildTool: C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Unreal Projects\KinectDemoRoom\Plugins\KinectV2\Source\KinectV2\Private\KinectAnimInstance.cpp(17) : error C2228: ��.Num������߱�������/�ṹ/����

I think problem is rectangle in KinectAnimInstance.cpp image.

But I use F12 to find CurrenctSkeleton and Num Function, This line is right…

I don’t know how to solve this, who can help me?
[link text][3]
I am so appreciate your help.

I have upload my log file.

Hello Sherry0429,

Are you still experiencing these issues? If so, I’m curious to know what Region/Language your Windows is set to. We’re missing something of the meaning of these logs due to it not being able to pick up on some of the characters and just replacing them with �߱ and �. If you’re not on this already and have the chance to give it a try, could you see if you could change your System Locale over to English (United States) temporarily to see if we can get clear log messages? You can find this under Control Panel > Region and Language > Administrative > Change system locale.