How to package with DevelopEditorMode?

Now I find my plugin use some function needed in “DevelopEditorMode” in Micsoft visual Studio 2013.

All build work fine in VS, but when I want to Package it, it build failed.

and the reason is “XXXX” is not number of “XXX”.

how to package with EditorMode like in VS?

Hello Sherry0429,

If a function in the plugin requires “DevelopEditorMode” (I’m guessing this is a custom macro that was defined or something that is being checked?) then it most likely isn’t meant to be included in packaged builds.

Usually in this case, the person who creates the function would surround the declaration / definition of the function with the #if WITH_EDITOR and #endif along with whereever the function is being called. This will make it be ignored by the compiler when compiling for something that isn’t built for the editor.

Development Editor (which is what I assume is being referred to in this case with DevelopEditorMode) is for compiling your code to be used in the editor, while Development and Shipping are the configurations that VS uses for packaging.

We haven’t heard from you in a while, Sherry0429. Was my last comment of any help to solve your issue? If not, please let me know so we can continue. In the meantime, I’ll be marking this issue as resolved for tracking purposes.