(Tough one!) How can I make a Blueprint ActorComponent work with a Destructible mesh? i.e for point scoring etc

Hello Everyone,

I’m trying to speed up my workflow and I came across this video called; “Using Blueprintable Components for Game Behavior” - which can be found here: Using BP Components for Game Behaviour | Live Training | Unreal Engine - YouTube

What I’m trying to achieve: A blueprint that can be dragged onto a destructible mesh, that can use the OnFractureComponent event to add points to the player score. Basically meaning that when the destructible is fractured, the player gets a set amount of points.

I have many destructible meshes on my level and I would like the player to be rewarded with points on their destruction, Rather than having to go through every individual mesh and create a new blueprint actor, I would like to make a component that I can drag and drop.

With this system I would be able to allocate a lot more time towards level design and such. So any help with this would be ABSOLUTELY appreciated!

Thank you for your time!

  • Mike