Can you set an AI Character to simulate physics?

I have a basic AI character that moves around a level based on a this tutorial.

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I want it to be possible to effect AI character with other objects. So for example you could push it out of way using a moving wall . I find I can do this if Simulate physics set to true . problem is that when simulate physics is set to true AI character will not move on its own. Is there a way to have object simulate physics and still move by itself ? Or is there another work around?

Also I could not find much documentation for Behaviour tree and was wondering if there is a good place to find tutorials or are plans there to add more documentation?

Hey Dave,

A moving wall should push an AI character without stopping its behavior tree from running, and you shouldn’t need to simulate physics to get it to move. If you use Matinee to move your wall, it will push your AI character without stopping it from moving (or doing whatever else behavior tree tells it to do).

Are you using another method to move your wall? If you’re translating its position via Blueprints, you’re not actually pushing it won’t properly push character.

Regarding Behavior Tree documentation: there currently isn’t any. team here is working to put out documentation and some tutorials in near future. In meantime, there’s a very useful forum post in which several of our developers give some basic information on how to use they system. Here’s a link to that post:

Note that initial posts are by a user using C++, but devs’ replies use mostly Blueprints and Behavior Tree.

Hope that helps!

Hi ,
I’m still having questions regarding this “Is there a way to have object simulate physics and still move by itself ?”, can you please tell me if this is an engine limitation, or if there is a work around, thanks!

Hi Quintela,

I’m afraid I don’t see how that’s related, and I’d recommend opening a new post with your question and some more details about what you’re trying to achieve.

I will , thank you.