Endless Runner UE4 Tut - Any way to constantly move the character without the TICK NODE

Hi just following this blueprint tutorial - Endless Runner: Overview & Player Control | 01 | v4.7 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube

The image is my current set up.

But I don’t want to use the event Tick , is there anything else I can use instead?


You could replace tick with a custom event that is called every X amount of seconds. I used .001 in my setup, and it seemed to work just fine.

Here is a screenshot of my setup:

Let me know if there are any further questions.

Have a great day

Thanks that works great, but with this set up I cant seem to press a button in order for the character to stop.

Is there a way to make the character stop when press a button, then resume once pressed again?

If you want to move on a key press, you could just use that key press event to fire off the Movement instead of using the Custom Event.

Hi I tried that but it doesn’t work. Here is my current set up, am I doing something wrong?

Look into using Input Axis bindings. This will allow you to get the result you’re looking for. For reference, look at how the Third Person Template has its movement set up, as this seems to be closer to what you are looking for in your project.

Here is the documentation on Input:


I’m sorry but, I understand the setup. I just want a way to make the character to stop/start moving. I cant seem to turn on or off by setting up the axis by pressing the mouse left button.

You can use the suggestion as Sean provided with using a timer, although this isn’t much different than actually using tick. The computer still needs to process that information X amount of times per tick/interval regardless if it’s in tick or not.

However, using the timer example, you need to realize that the timer is continually running when set on loop so trying to get the character to stop as you provided obviously doesn’t work because of the timer. Therefore, you need to stop the timer. You can either use Pause Timer or Clear Timer. Then to start the timer back up either unpause or Set Timer, depending on how you stopped it. To use the pause/clear functions you need to get a timer handle to your timer. Right click the “Return Value” on the output of your timer and select Create Variable - there is your handle.

Hope this helps!

Hi thanks for your input, seems like it would work, but how would I set it up? A pic would be best if there were one.

Not too complicated here, there’s more you could probably do with this to get better effects but this is ultimately what you would need in order to start/stop the character from running:

The function ‘Run’ that I put into the Set Timer isn’t a function I created for this demonstration. This function is whatever function you have created to make the character run.

Hope this clarifies it for you.

Hi sorry saw your post late, I actually ended up doing the same thing more or less as you see in the pic.

Cool glad you got a solution. If my answer helped you at all, it would be greatly appreciated if you accepted the answer as correct. You’ll know you accepted it when the answer and all of its comments turn green. Thanks!

You are trying too hard when u have an easy option :slight_smile:
use a timeline and give x axis value 1 at zero second or any speed u want and attach it to “add movement input”
Checkout the image below

  • Timeline attached to “add player movement input” in character blueprint(which is hero in my case)
  • For the vector needed in “add player movement input” make vector and give input for any axis in which u want to make the character go ahead.(for me i want it to go forward in x-axis )

  • In timeline editor create a float .
  • Set float variable at time=“0” value is=“0.5”
  • Tick "loop"and “AutoPlay”
  • If you don’t want to auto play on any specific event you can call the timeline and then call its function “Play”