Editor pixelated


So I just got a macbook pro 13 inch with 8Gb 1867 MHz DDR3, 2.7 Ghz Intel Core i5 and Intel Iris graphics 6100 1536MB. I will like to know if this engine will run well on this computer and also is there some way to fix the UI of the engine? it looks all pixelated and I washing some videos and it looks much more sharp.


I’m having the same problem with the same MacBook Pro. Only need the engine for the basics that will be covered on my university course - but the pixelated UI is extremely off-putting.

The issue still persists in UE4.15. It’s a really a distraction.

moi aussi j’ai le même problème. auriez vous une solution?

j’ai la solution ! diriger vous les options- engine scability settings- mettre en EPIC