Landscape blend Material blocky on Android

I have come across a lot of similar discussions but nothing that matched the situation identically. In preview and even mobile preview, my textures look just fine. When I launch to device with my Samsung Note 5, all custom UV textures look just fine but my blended landscape is entirely composed of blocks as though it is getting only a few pixels of information per segment. I’ve built the texture from scratch with the same result, so I’m thinking it is something in how I created my heightmap or some other setting or flag in my landscape. I’m a bit new and not very strong on the technical side, but any help would be appreciated.

On mobile preview or within the launcher, here’s how layered blend looks:

However, upon launch to device, this is the result:

I can post a project file later, and/or a screen shot of my material setup. I’m 90% positive that the material is identical to the tutorials and a lot of the advice I’ve got out there.