How to implement increasing score?

Hi, I have a working score but its triggered from the event begin play and then loops using a delay set to 0.1 (mimicking event tick) but I need to stop the score increasing when the player dies.

I’m sure the delay loop is my problem but can’t for the life of me figure out how else to get the score to work.

a timer is the best way to go for custom ticks.

I converted your sample to this:

Btw. you can put player death logic after the ClearTimerbyHandle node to keep things in one place. Since the timer sopped it does not matter what the actor does afterwards. (death animation, idling, waiting for re-usage/respawn or just destroying). (Of course then you need a separate ClearTimerbyHandle node for EventEndPlay to avoid death logic execution ^^)

Thank you that worked perfectly I haven’t used timers before