Android Viewport Black on Focus

On 4.11 Preview 6, if you deploy to an android device and press the ‘home’ or ‘menu’ button for Android (or somehow find yourself with the app not in main focus) - the app will not restore focus properly.

In our game, the music is still playing so the game is clearly running, but the viewport goes completely black and never comes back. Tested on NVidia Shield and Sony Xperia Z3 (ATC and DXT packages)

Just to say I have same behavior here with a Sony - Xperia T.

Yes, I’ve seen this here and we have Jira UE-27287 (Re-opening apps to a black screen on Android) for tracking it. I have a fix I’m testing at the moment and this will be fixed in 4.11 before it is released.

That’s good to know.
Thank you.

Fixed in 4.11 Preview 7! Thanks!