Failed import for Component

After saving my map recently, all of a sudden I’ve been getting this error:


Searching around I’ve found a few suggestions for solutions but none of them worked for me (changing the type and changing it back, fixing up redirectors). The only way I’ve found to fix this error is to delete all instances of the 2 classes from my map. Replacing them after that doesn’t seem to cause the error for now, but that doesn’t mean it won’t just happen again in the future. I’ve encountered this on a different project as well, it just seems to happen sometimes when the map is saved (our solution back then was to never change the map again since we were almost finished).

For more information, both of these classes are blueprints inherited from the same C++ base class. SightRadius is declared as

	UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, VisibleAnywhere, Category = "Components")
	USphereComponent* SightRadius;

and it’s created in the base class’s constructor

	SightRadius = CreateDefaultSubobject<USphereComponent>(TEXT("SightRadius"));
	SightRadius->SetSphereRadius(1000, false);
	SightRadius->OnComponentBeginOverlap.AddDynamic(this, &ABaseBuilding::SightRadiusBeginOverlap);
	SightRadius->OnComponentEndOverlap.AddDynamic(this, &ABaseBuilding::SightRadiusEndOverlap);

After spending more time with this I found that if I change the default value of a property in the component that failed to import on the blueprint and save it, the error goes away. Since it’s a sphere I just rotated it around one axis and that fixed it.

I had exactly the same problem, and I used your way to get rid of the error messages. Hope Epics can fix it in the engine. It’s annoying.

Than you!